Monthly Archives: April 2012

Black Shuck and Demon Dogs

black shuck
Guest writer JON KANEKO-JAMES explores our fascination with ghostly devil dogs - like Black Shuck the original Hound of the Baskervilles.

Fanatic 1965 REVIEW

Fanatic Poster
Fanatic 1965, Richard Matheson-penned thriller, is over-the-top but has awesome cast

From Sirens to Nymphs: A Short History of Mermaids

MATT WINGETT looks at the history of mermaids

Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb 1964 REVIEW

A bit slow off the mark, The Curse of the Mummy (1964) will keep Hammer fans happy, says DAVID SAUNDERSON

8 Scottish serial killers who shocked the world

Scottish serial killers
Guest writer JOHN MILTON has got down and dirty with these Scottish serial killers

Pediophobia: Haunted Dolls And Why We Hate Them

What is Pediophobia?
Pediophobia is the fear of dolls. MACSEN MATTHEWS, from South Wales, tells us why more people hate dolls than we realise

Where Is Bedlam Asylum, London’s Original Madhouse?

bedlam hospital, bedlam asylum
Bedlam Asylum in London - the world's most famous mental hospital - had four different locations over the years. AMY CONNOLLY tell us where they were...

Ghosthunting in Spooky Herefordshire

Spooky Hereford Ghosts
Hereford Paranormal Group’s co-founder TOM HUNT discusses ghost hunting and other spooky pursuits in the historic rural county

The She Beast 1966 REVIEW

The She Beast
Genius director who died in his prime makes fun film with appalling makeup