BECKY KEANE gives us four of England’s most haunted army barracks…

University of Manchester Sports Hall
The sports hall at the University of Manchester was a barracks to the old Manchester Regiment. On the doors of an old section of the building is inscribed ”Commanding Officer’ etc. It is said the corridor is haunted, managers of the hall had to break in to a locked office to find it was completely trashed.
Police were called and found no evidence of a burglary or break in. A caretaker of the hall reported that his dog would refuse to enter the corridor, he also reported one night whilst locking up he became aware of a pair of boots walking behind him, he reached for the door handle, when all of a sudden he felt a ghostly hand grab his shoulder, he quickly turned around and no one was there!
Fulwood Barracks, Preston
Now host to records, artefacts and achievements of past infantry Lancashire regiments, which are now part of The Duke of Lancaster Regiment established in 2006. The Barracks in Preston preserve the history of 120 units of the armed forces, including the Home Guard and Cadets etc.
The most haunted part of the Barracks is the Old Officers Mess. In 1910 a witness only know as M.A.R. was awakened by a gale force storm ripping through the town. He got of bed to close the shutters to silence the deafening noise of the wind and windows rattling.
He fell asleep again, and was rudely awakened again to a sound resembling a thunder clap. Sitting awake to get a sense of how the storm was progressing, his eyes set upon the image of what appeared to be an illuminating figure near the foot of his bed. M.A.R saw the figure was wearing a belt, he gasped with shock and lay back down on his bed. The figure just gradually vanished before him.
So frightened by his experience he ran to the next quarter of a Lieutenant and was offered to sleep on the camp bed with him, which M.A.R quite happily accepted. He was made fun of the next day and offers to sleep in his quarter were accepted and they slept well. Other past occupants of the room sensed a peculiar atmosphere n the room.
It is reported a tragic incident had occurred in that very room years before. In the Garrison Chapel a friendly but mischievous spirit resides there. Cleaning equipment would move, a brass pot flew across the room and a television crew’s equipment refused to work in certain areas. Roman soldiers are seen from the waist up walking along an old roman road near the barracks, not forgetting the terrain has changed and elevated over last 2000 years.
Mill Street Barracks, St Helens, Merseyside
Built in the 1800s the Barracks has housed many branches of the armed forces. Used as a morgue in the World Wars its not unheard of that spirits are said to linger here. An apparition of a male who seems to have a thing for the ladies has been sighted and heard upstairs.
A black three legged dog named Bruce who was a former pet has been seen looking for his master. Cats and many other animals have been seen and heard. In the old accommodation block, an angry man lurks. He has tried to push people down the stairs. Children, Nuns and a crying female have all be reported.
Upavon Garrison and Airfield, Wiltshire
Now known as Trenchard Lines, the site was built in 1912 for several branches of the RAF. Recently used as an MOD admin centre, the airfield is used by gliders regularly. The garrison was built upon some of the old airfield. Several reports of pilots in WWII uniform have been seen. A poor unfortunate person reportedly committed suicide in the Sergeants Mess. One witness reports he had to go into the Mess room but accidentally left the keys in there. He went back to the room tried to open the door, but found it was locked. After retrieving a spare set, he unlocked the door and found the original set of keys at the other end of the room.