Happy Death Day, episode 3 of Ghost BBC’s first series sees the living get used to living with the dead and the introduction of Death Day! GEMMA JOHNSON takes a look back

This episode of BBC’s Ghosts is called Happy Death Day and aired on 29 April 2019.
There is a sense of calm(ish) at Button House, Alison and Mike have learnt to co-exist with the ghosts – well nothing has changed for Mike other than he now asks ‘are they here’ when he is in a room with Alison.
The builders continue to take over and this results in Mike developing a phobia about using the bathroom at home opting to sign up to a free pass at the local leisure centre or going to the pub. Life Lesson 1: Everyone has their own quirks, who are we to judge?
But the main focus of the episode is that it is Pat’s death day, and we relive it with him, it brough back trauma to me and I am not ashamed to say it.
Back in the 1990’s there was a show called ‘Michael Buerke’s 999’, one of the episodes was about a young person getting a javelin in the neck.
It was gruesome graphic and haunted me forever when I had to do PE at school, especially when it was javelin time. It did make me wonder if the writers had been ‘inspired’ by that very episode because there were some similarities there. Life Lesson 2: Inspiration can strike in the most unusual of places.
Pat wants Alison to help him give a message to his family who are coming over to Button House to mark his anniversary. First, he wants her to kill his wife so that she can be with him forever but then realises that this is a little extreme – Alison breathes a sigh of relief at having dodged a prison sentence there.
When his family arrives Pat watches from a distance when he then finds out that he has a Grandson who has been named after him. Life Lesson 3: Spirits find anniversaries just as difficult as we do.
Kitty here has also asked the questions which most parents dread ‘How are babies made?’ Followed by awkward silences and answers that go round the houses including an in-depth discussion relating to bees which serves to confuse Kitty even more. Thomas has also created a new poem for Alison, who he is now deeply obsessed with, he takes great delight in reciting it to her only for her to tell him it is a song he has heard on the radio – ‘I should be so lucky’. Life Lesson 3: The old ones are always the best ones.
I bet you now have Kylie Minogue in your head now, you are welcome. I will end with this cracker of an exchange between Robin and Fanny:
Robin: I have flea in ear.
Fanny: But you’re dead.
Robin: So is flea… I also have worms.
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