How to Recharge and Cleanse Your Crystals


Crystals can absorb and hold onto negative energies over time, so it’s important to cleanse your crystals and recharge them periodically to keep them at their best.

Smudging is one way you can cleanse your crystals
Smudging is one way you can cleanse your crystals

Methods you can use to cleanse your crystals

  1. Water: Some crystals can be cleansed in running water or in a bowl of water. However, be careful with water-sensitive stones and make sure you know if your crystal can be exposed to water.
  2. Salt: Place your crystals in a bowl of salt and let them sit for several hours to overnight. Rinse them off in cool water after. This can help to remove negative energies from the crystals.
  3. Smudging: Light some sage or other herbs and wave the smoke over your crystals to clear negative energies.
  4. Sunlight and Moonlight: Leave your crystals in direct sunlight or moonlight for several hours or overnight to cleanse them. This works especially well for transparent or translucent stones. However, be aware that some stones may fade in the sunlight and some may be sensitive to heat.

Charging your crystals is important for activating their full potential. Here are some methods you can use to charge your crystals:

  1. Sunlight and Moonlight: Leave your crystals in direct sunlight or moonlight for several hours or overnight to charge them. This works especially well for transparent or translucent stones.
  2. Earth: Place your crystals on the ground or bury them in the earth for several hours or overnight to charge them.
  3. Crystal clusters: Place your crystals on a larger crystal cluster, such as amethyst, citrine or clear quartz and leave them for several hours or overnight to charge them.
  4. Visualisation: Hold your crystal in your hands and visualize a bright white light surrounding it, filling it with positive energy.
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It’s important to note that not all crystals can be cleansed or charged in the same way. Some stones, such as selenite, do not need to be cleansed or charged at all. Be sure to research the specific requirements for your crystal to ensure you’re not damaging it during the cleansing or charging process.

Here are some crystals that are sensitive to light and should be charged using other methods:

  1. Amethyst can fade in direct sunlight
  2. Celestite can fade or lose colour in direct sunlight
  3. Fluorite can fade or lose colour in direct sunlight
  4. Kunzite can fade in sunlight
  5. Malachite can fade or become discoloured in sunlight
  6. Rose Quartz can fade in direct sunlight
  7. Smoky Quartz can become brittle or change colour in direct sunlight
  8. Sodalite can fade in direct sunlight
  9. Sunstone can fade in sunlight

If you have any of these crystals, it’s best to charge them using other methods such as water, salt, smudging, or charging them on a crystal cluster. You can also charge them using visualisation techniques, or by placing them in the earth for a period of time.

You can find out more about crystals in the many books on Amazon.

If you have some tips to cleanse your crystals, tell us in the comments section below!

Learn How to Smoke Cleanse (or Smudge) VIDEO


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