England’s Most Haunted And Deadly Roads


BECKY KEANE reveals some of the spooky tales from the most haunted roads in England…

The Devil’s Highway, A666, Bolton, Greater Manchester

The A666 in Bolton, aptly named the Devil’s Highway, is known for its suicides from the many bridges that line the road. A local hotspot for vehicle accidents, mysterious and dark shadows have caused drivers to swerve and crash to avoid colliding with them. Wreaths and memorial tributes are left along the road leaving an eerie reminder of the tragic losses that happen on The Devil’s Highway. Missing periods of time has been experienced and dark ghostly shadows were reported when an section of the road had to be closed due to the collapse of an old mineshaft. Some mineshafts are said to lay undiscovered by the modern times.

Platt Lane, Westhoughton, Greater Manchester

Platt Lane, near to the Pretoria Pit Mine disaster in 1910, has been notorious for the ‘eyes in the darkness’ story. Mysterious explosions heard from Platt Lane prompting the emergency services to attend only to find nothing and severed limbs hanging from trees plague Platt Lane. A police officer was left shocked and terrified after a severed arm dangling in a tree vanished before his eyes. Limping and disfigured shadows have been seen wandering from the bushes along with the smell of burning flesh. In 1993 a driver became aware of dozens of eyes creepily watching him from the darkness of the roadside. He sped away, only to hear the loud mysterious boom of an explosion that has rocked the community several times before. There are many witnesses to these loud explosions but no reason can be found.

Haunted M6 Motorway

Known as Britain’s longest motorway, it also reputed to be the most haunted. Spanning several counties the M6 lies over some of Britain’s most historic areas. Roman soldiers marching  into oncoming traffic have been seen on the north/south motorway linking Rugby to J19 of M6. Some have reported that the soldiers have no feet. Roman roads were lower than what our roads are now. A distress woman hitch hiking asking for a lift and a phantom lorry travelling the wrong way on the motorway has terrified many drivers.

READ:  Ghosts wander Wardour Castle and its haunted forest

A616 Stockbridge Bypass near Sheffield

As a young girl, my dad would let me watch Strange But True, a paranormal programme. In 1994 the Stockbridge Bypass was shown. I was left terrified by the episode and it still scares to me to this day. With a high fatality rate and known as a local accident hot spot the paranormal activity began when the road was being constructed. Two security guards where hired to keep a watchful eye on the building materials. A group of spooky children playing and dancing beneath a pylon was seen and reported by the petrified guards. When the police was informed their story was laughed off. The spookiest sighting is a monk which appears right next to the car. His torso has been seen facing the driver side window. I don’t think I will be travelling along this road any time soon…

B3314, near Tintagel, Cornwall

Holiday makers and locals of the West County have been left mystified by the sighting of a lady in Victorian dress stumbling in the road and turning to look at the oncoming traffic. Fearing an accident the drivers are forced to pull over or swerve to avoid hitting her.  After pulling over to check the lady is ok, she gives a vacant stare and simply vanishes before their very eyes.


  1. Not a road but have you visited houghton tower nr Blackburn i mentioned it to Eddie but I don’t know wether he mentioned it,it’s reputedly the third most haunted house in England boasting 4 active ghosts I have visited it myself and certainly felt a chill

  2. I once saw a young man walk out the side of a truck on the M1 near Mansfield. He had shoulder length hair, a green hoodie/jacket and jeans on. His head was down and his hands were in his pockets as he took 2 steps. As quick as he was there, he was gone again.


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