Newton House, Llandeilo, one of Wales’ most haunted houses


Newton House Llandeilo stands near the ruins of Dinefwr Castle. It’s a country manor whose hauntings are not for the faint of heart, says RICK HALE

Newton House Llandeilo, Wales SA19 6RT

Just west of Llandeilo, Wales is Newton House, a Grade II listed property with a reputation for being one of the most haunted homes in Wales.

Even The National Trust and Yvette Fielding in Wales Online, has gone on record saying that Newton House is a notable ghostly house.

With such trusted sources even a hardened sceptic would be hard-pressed to doubt the activity said to happen there.

History Of Newton House

The history of Newton House is a long one and extends back almost 2000 years.

The house we see today was built built by Edward Rice in 1660 in the Jacobean style.

However, the original house was built in the medieval period. And the land was occupied by Roman forts nearly 2000 years ago.

In 1843, the house played an integral part in the Rebecca Riots when the house was occupied by Colonel George Rice.

The riots were sparked when Welsh farmers were unfairly taxed and civil unrest erupted.

A visit to the haunted Newton House is not for the faint hearted - there's lots of spirits that dwell within!
A visit to the haunted Newton House Llandeilo is not for the faint-hearted – there’s lots of spirits that dwell within!

Colonel Rice received numerous death threats and a grave with his name on it was found on the property.

By 1974, the property fell on hard times and squatters took up residence in the house.

And thieves made off with the antique furniture that was stored in the house.

Thankfully, the National Trust purchased the house in 1990, and went about the daunting task of restoring Newton House to its former glory.

It was during this time that staff and visitors realized the house was extraordinarily haunted.

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Hauntings Of Newton House

The hauntings at Newton House are so varied, they captured the attention of the wildly popular paranormal reality TV show, Most Haunted.

Yvette Fielding and her crew of intrepid ghost hunters investigated the house on two separate occasions.

And they encountered some of the activity said to haunt Newton House.

The Lady In White

Of all the spirits seen at Newton House, the most prominent is the lady in white.

This spirit is believed to be the Lady Elinir Cavendish, a cousin of the lady of the house.

According to historical records, Lady Elinir, rejected a suitor chosen for her by her parents.

To escape her betrothal to what she considered a repulsive man, she fled and hid in Newton House.

Sadly, the suitor caught up with her and brutally murdered her in her chambers.

Since that night her apparition has been witnessed on the second floor along with the horrible man that cut her young life short.

In the 1980s, several employees of a television production company witnessed the abrupt appearance of Lady Elinir and watched as she vanished through a wall.

The Old Hag

The sinister figure of an old hag has been encountered on the stairs.

She has been seen hiding in a dark corner wearing a flowing black dress.

Those who have come across her remarked that she gives off a sense of dread and despair.

A Ghostly Trio

A trio of spirits have been seen around the grounds and in the corridors of the house.

They are described as an angry man with a grim countenance. He is accompanied by a sad little boy and what appears to be a rabid dog.

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No one knows who this ghostly trio is, but one thing is certain, the angry man does not want people invading his space.

Newton House in Llandeilo, Wales is maintained by the National Trust and is open to the public.

The house welcomes guests from all over the country, as well as the world.

If you should ever visit, I warn you, Newton House is not for the faint of heart. As some of the spirits that inhabit the house do not want visitors.


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