John Leahy, Paranormal Investigator Interview


Spooky Isles interviews JOHN LEAHY from Haunted Investigations and Paranormal Places, a group that focuses on spooky occurrences in Lancashire, Cheshire, Merseyside, Greater Manchester and North Wales.

John Leahy
John Leahy

John Leahy Interview

What was your first Paranormal encounter?
When I was a police officer serving in the Royal Air Force, during a night time patrol I clearly saw a figure dressed in uniform inside a locked hangar. The hangar was searched for this person but was found to be empty with no means of exiting the building without being seen.

Do you believe in ghosts, and if so, what is a ghost?
I am a believer, although I think the term ghost can cover a wide variety of paranormal phenomena, such as the spirit of a deceased person, time slips or re-enactments of a traumatic event.

What evidence have you personally uncovered that makes you consider ghosts are real?
As a group, we have collected some very convincing photographic and EVP evidence.

Are you skeptical of the claims others make of their findings?
Not if I can examine their evidence personally, however, I do think that some claims are exaggerated for unscrupulous groups purely for monetary gain.

How do prepare for a ghost hunt?
We always conduct an initial daytime visit and interview, as well as gathering as much information on the history of the location and any previous investigations by other groups.

What tips would you give for someone going on a paranormal investigation for the first time?
When someone accompanies us for the first time we instruct them to:

  1.  Stay with an experienced team member at all times.
  2.  Always be aware of their surroundings, for safety reasons.
  3. Instruct them on what equipment they will require.
  4.  Always share evidence or observations no matter how insignificant it may be.
READ:  Haunted Sefton: Merseyside's Most Creepy!

What is your favourite piece of paranormal investigation equipment?
Digital camera.

Are you psychic? Do you consider being psychic a help or a hindrance for paranormal investigations?
We tend not to use psychics on our investigations, but we will always listen to any comments made by anyone who claims to have this ability.

What makes a great haunted location?
Personally, I prefer historic locations with a gothic atmosphere.

If you could investigate any haunted location, where would that be?
Waverley Sanatorium, USA.

What scares you about Ghost Hunting or Paranormal Investigations?
Nothing, but we have met some strange living beings.

In your opinion, what is the most haunted area in the UK or Ireland?
None specific. I think that all areas have their fair share of haunted locations.

Read any good paranormal books or watched any good paranormal TV shows/movies recently?
At the moment I am watching the new series of Paranormal Witness.

Tell us about your favourite moment from a paranormal investigation.
During an investigation at a disused railway station, I was alone at the far end of the platform when I heard footsteps approach me along a gravel path, I could clearly see that there was no one there, I then called for other team members and we asked if the entity could do something to show us it was still with us, immediately a beam breaker alarm device on the platform was activated approximately six feet from where we where standing.

JOHN LEAHY is a paranormal investigator with Haunted Investigations and Paranormal Places.


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