Yearly Archives: 2012

Screaming Lord Sutch does Jack the Ripper

DOM COOPER tells how Screaming Lord Sutch performed 'Jack The Ripper' with a butcher's knife in one hand and rubber entrails in the other

Taphephobia, The Fear of Being Buried Alive!

Premature Burials in England
Taphephobia is the fear of being buried alive, reports NICOLA CARPENTER

How the Jack the Ripper Murders began

124 years ago this morning Jack the Ripper claimed his first victim. Ripperologist JON REES looks at the horrific murder of Mary Ann Nicholls that began what we now know as the Whitechapel Murders.

The Reptile 1966 REVIEW

Jacqueline Pearce in her iconic title role as The Reptile (1966), one of many cult roles that made her a legend of fim and television.
The Reptile 1966 was a deep and modern horror for Hammer, says ADAM SCOVELL

5 Interesting Deaths Found On Berkshire Gravestones

Berkshire Gravestones
NICOLA CARPENTER tells us of some peculiar deaths from Berkshire gravestones.

Conwy, North Wales: Top 5 Haunted Places To Visit

NIA JONES gives us a rundown of Conwy in North Wales' most haunted places to visit

The Wolf Man 1941 REVIEW

The Wolf Man 1941, Wolf man original
The Wolf Man 1941, is howling good time making a star of Lon Chaney Jr. ADAM SCOVELL reviews the Universal Horror classic.

Doom not Gloom from Spooky Isles Music

KATIE DOHERTY begins her new column about esoteric and occult matters by pondering the Doom Metal music that has burst forth from these isles we live on.

The Little One by Lynda La Plante BOOK REVIEW

The Little One by Lynda La Plante, reviewed by L.H. Davies

Alp-Luachra, flesh-burrowing fairies

JON KANEKO-JAMES tells us about some gross fairies who'll literally get under your skin

BBC Ghost Stories REVIEW: The Stalls of Barchester/A Warning to the...

ADAM SCOVELL reviews BBC Ghost Stories: Whistle and I'll Come to You released by the BFI

Bela Lugosi’s Dead, A Look Back On The Bauhaus Classic

Bela Lugosi's Dead: DOM COOPER explains how a classic horror star influenced Northampton Goth Rock outfit Bauhaus

Whistle And I’ll Come To You 1968 And 2010 REVIEWS

ADAM SCOVELL reviews BBC Ghost Stories: Whistle and I'll Come to You released this week by the BFI

What do Angels mean in Cemeteries?

NICOLA CARPENTER explains what grave angels mean in cemeteries

Visit to Museum of Witchcraft in Boscastle, Cornwall

Witchcraft Museum
MATT WINGETT makes a visit to The Museum of Witchcraft in Cornwall

Laughter in the Dark: Funny Ghost Stories From The paranormal world

While many people’s experiences with ghosts are laden with terror and fear, DAVID REES reports some funny ghost stories provide far more amusement than horror...
While many people’s experiences with ghosts are laden with terror and fear, DAVID REES reports some funny ghost stories provide far more amusement than horror...

The Omen 1976 REVIEW

The Omen 1976
The Omen 1976 is a rich and satisfying take on modern occult madness, says ADAM SCOVELL

The Wolf Who Protected St Edmund’s Head!

St Edmunds
A missing head and the cousin of man’s best friend! JACOB MILNESTEIN tells us the curious case of St Edmund’s bestial benefactor

Golfers, Ghosts and Castle Stuart

FRANCES ABBOT reveals the mysteries of haunted Castle Stuart in the Scottish Highlands

The Mummy 1959 REVIEW

ADAM SCOVELL reviews The Mummy (1959)

The Romance of Dracula author interview

Spooky Isles talks to Charles E. Butler, the author and illustrator of The Romance of Dracula

Forest Graveyard, Bodies And Twisted Faces

DOM COOPER tells us about a Forest song about a visit to a graveyard

Andy Stewart Erupts about Dysmorphia

Andy Stewart
Spooky Isles talks to Andy Stewart, horror enthusiast from Glasgow, about his debut short film Dysmorphia

Eye of the Devil 1966 REVIEW

NIA JONES reviews the 1966 horror Eye of the Devil, starring David Niven, Deborah Kerr and Donald Pleasence